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Valley-Wide Canine Dental
Service Based in Phoenix, AZ
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About Us

Valley-Wide Canine Dental Service Based in Phoenix, AZ
Valley-Wide Canine Dental Service Based in Phoenix, AZ
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Caring For Your Dog's Teeth Since 2000

Canine Cares is the brainchild of owners Tammy Ceroni and her daughter Nicole Brackett. We specialize in canine teeth cleaning without the use of anesthesia or drugs, while being supervised by some of the most outstanding veterinarians in the industry.

Dr. Jacquie Allgire, DVM

Dr. Jacquie Allgire, received her Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine degree from Colorado State University in 1998. In 2001, she became a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist and has since primarily deidcated herself to providing Traditional Chinese Veterinary medicine. 

Dr. Jacquie Allgire believes in integrating the best aspects of both Eastern and Western medicine to enhance the quality of our pets lives. Besides providing acupunture, she also supervises No Anesthesia Dental cleanings to ensure that your dog is being provided with a safe, gentle and medically appropriate dental cleaning. 

Dr. Mark Weaver, DVM

Dr. Weaver is a much loved and respected traditional veterinarian who specializes in treating small animals in the Arizona Valley for more than 40 years.

Dr. Tim Patterson, DVM, CVA, VCP

Dr. Patterson is a holistic veterinarian who specializes in treating small animals and horses.

Tammy Ceroni, Owner

Dogs speak but only to those who know how to listen and this is certainly true for Ceroni, who with her deep connection and understanding of dogs, has been labeled a "dog whisperer" by the people she met.

Ceroni has been providing canine teeth cleaning without the use of anesthesia or drugs in the Arizona Valley since 2001 under Canine Cares. 

With over 20 years of experience in cleaning dog's teeth and helping these four-legged man's best friend maintain good dental hygiene, Ceroni sees this as more than just a job - it's her passion

Nicole Brackett, Owner

Working with her mother, Tammy Ceroni, for the last 10 years, Brackett's experience and skills when it comes to canine teeth cleaning are unsurpassed. 

Reflecting her mother's work ethics, her love and dedication for man's furry best friend is evident in how she handles each four-legged client that needs dental help - always with a warm hug and kisses to make them comfortable and feel at ease.
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